
Prime Cuts: Calf Creep Feeding

There are not many management tools that are as economical as creep feeding. Commonly used by cow calf producers, creep feed is provided to nursing calves in a manner that does not allow for the adult cows to access it. The nutrients supplemented by the creep feed allow calves to grow at a rate closer to their genetic potential.


Prime Cuts: Calf Creep Feeding Strategies

Creep feeding is an economical practice designed to close the nutritional gap that exists for calves consuming pasture and milk. Because of larger birth weights and a greater potential for gain, pasture and milk can no longer nutritionally support the genetic growth potential of today’s calves.Starting Calves on Creep FeedEncouraging creep feed intake early on in young calves is beneficial to their growth potential as feed conversion is greatest in younger cattle. However, young calves can…


Common Calfhood Diseases

Diarrhea causing pathogens tend to strike at different ages, therefore, the age at which diarrhea strikes provides a clue as to what disease we are dealing with. The chart below indicates what pathogen is likely to present itself in preweaned calves. By determining the likely pathogen, the correct course of intervention can be utilized.


Umbilical Uproar: Why Dipping Navels is Worth Your Time

The cow has successfully calved. You’ve brought her water, you moved the calf into her own clean pen, and then what? The answer should be…dip the newborn calf’s navel.


Walking the Calf Barn: What to Look for

A lot can be learned from a simple walk through your calf barn, but how do you know what to look for? Here is a simple checklist to help you better read your calves. Remember, when walking through your calf pens, start with the youngest animals first and move through pens from youngest to oldest so that the risk of disease transmission from older to younger animals is diminished.