Certified Quality Assurance at Every Stage of Production

Famo Feeds is committed to protecting our nation’s food supply by means of dedicated adherence to quality assurance at every stage of production.
Feed production is a critical component of the total process of food production. In an effort to maximize feed safety, certification programs have been developed to focus on every aspect of the feed manufacturing process. Famo Feeds has aggressively embraced these certification programs and is a certified member in each:

HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
- Food/Feed safety management tool that focuses on preventing biological, chemical, and physical hazards from reaching the customer
- Requires continual measurement of results and a process of continual improvement

Safe Feed/Safe Food
- Certifies compliance with total traceability of its products from the procurement of ingredients through shipping of finished products

FCI-RUPP (Facility Certification Institute)
- Certifies compliance with the Food and Drug Administration’s BSE feed rule (use of restricted proteins in ruminant feeds)